MATLAB: How to use a loop with datetime and store the datetime values

creation of time scaledatetimefinancial time scaleloop with datetime

Hello everybody,
I want to create a time vector (datetime), that consists of the time span 02-Jan-2001-18-Apr-2012. Here every day should be sampled in 5 min steps from 9.35-16.00.
'02-Jan-2001 09:35:00'
'02-Jan-2001 09:40:00'
'02-Jan-2001 09:45:00'
'02-Jan-2001 16:00:00'
'03-Jan-2001 9:35:00'
'03-Jan-2001 16:00:00'
'18-Apr-2012 16:00:00'
I have 4124 days to create with 78 five minute steps per day. I already constructed the code to create the 5minute time steps for one day.
t1 = datetime(2001,01,2,9,35,0);
t2 = datetime(2001,01,2,16,0,0);
t = (t1:minutes(5):t2)';
However I don't know how to create the datetime for the whole time span 2001-2012. I tried to use a loop, in the following form:
for i=0:4124
t(i) = (t1:minutes(5):t2)+days(i);
However I get an error message, it seems to be not possible to store the created values in the way t(i), because I am using datetime here and not a double format.
Can anybody help me with this problem ?

Best Answer

Here is a solution without for loop
T1 = datetime('02-Jan-2001');
T2 = datetime('18-Apr-2012');
totalNumDays = days(T2-T1);
t1 = datetime(2001,01,2,9,35,0);
t2 = datetime(2001,01,2,16,0,0);
oneDay = (t1:minutes(5):t2);
complete = arrayfun(@(x) oneDay+x, 0:totalNumDays, 'UniformOutput', false);
completeList = [complete{:}];