MATLAB: How to use a loop to call function to same plot.


i have a function that draws a random shape but i want to be able to call it 10 times to the same plot so 10 different shapes are drawn around the same point and on the same figure how do I do this?
function plotfunc()
prompt = {'Enter Number of vertices:',}
numberOfVertices = str2num(cell2mat(inputdlg(prompt, 'enter a number', 5)))
%numberOfVertices = 7; % Fixed at 7 for this demo.
coordinates = rand(numberOfVertices, 2);
coordinates(1,:) = [0, 0]; % Force first coord to 0,0
coordinates(end+1,:) = [0, 0]; % Force last coord to 0,0
hold on;
plot(coordinates(:,1), coordinates(:,2));
hold on
plot(coordinates(:,1), -coordinates(:,2));
hold on
plot(-coordinates(:,1), coordinates(:,2));
hold on
plot(-coordinates(:,1), -coordinates(:,2));
grid off;
randomColor = rand(1,3);
patch(coordinates(:,1), coordinates(:,2), randomColor); % Can use fill() also.

patch(coordinates(:,1), -coordinates(:,2), randomColor); % Can use fill() also.
patch(-coordinates(:,1), coordinates(:,2), randomColor); % Can use fill() also.
patch(-coordinates(:,1), -coordinates(:,2), randomColor); % Can use fill() also.
axis off;

Best Answer

Just use a loop, after the first line (after figure()), use
for i=1:10
...%Put code here
Make sure to add the end. You might want to move the position where the for loop starts till after the numberOfVertices line so the user doesn't put a new number of vertices every time.
Hope this helps!