MATLAB: How to use a floating point number in max() function

floatMATLABmaxmaximum value

Hi, I am trying to find a maximum number that is a float number using max().
allWidths = bb(3:4:end);
allHeights = bb(4:4:end);
aspectRatio = [allWidths./allHeights ; allHeights ./ allWidths];
aspectRatios = max(aspectRatio, [], 0.5);
but the line
aspectRatios = max(aspectRatio, [], 0.5);
shows an error. How could I use a floating point number to find the maximum value??

Best Answer

aspectRatio = allWidths./allHeights;
idx = aspectRatio>0.5 & aspectRatio<1.5;
find is likely not required, as logical indexing is simpler and more efficient.