MATLAB: How to use a Collection.ArrayList in the C# application and pass it to the MATLAB .NET component

arraylistbuildercforMATLABMATLAB Builder for COMnet

I want to create an Collections.ArrayList in C# and pass it to a .NET component created with MATLAB Builder for .NET.

Best Answer

You can use the ICollection.CopyTo method to make a shallow copy of the elements of the collection to a standard C# array. You can then cast this array to a MATLAB data type. Here is a simple exmple:
MATLAB code:
function ConsolePrinter(A)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using MathWorks.MATLAB.NET.Arrays;
using ConsolePrinter;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Instanciate the MATLAB component
ConsolePrinterclass Pr = new ConsolePrinterclass();
//Initialize and populate a Collections.ArrayList
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList(5);
//Create shallow copy of the ArrayList alements to an array
string[] array1 = new string[5];
list1.CopyTo(array1, 0);
//print container element to screen
foreach (string i in array1)
Console.WriteLine("Element as native C# array:\n" + "\t" + i);
Console.WriteLine("Element as MathWorks type from MCR:");
Pr.ConsolePrinter(new MWCellArray(i));
//wait for user to exit
You may need to invoke IDisposible.Dispose method to garbage collect the collection.
This method will work for any of the System.Collections objects i.e. deque, queue, stack...