MATLAB: How to use 30-50 workers instead of only the 12 maximum allowed in Parallel Computing Toolbox

MATLAB Parallel Servermulti-coreParallel Computing Toolbox

I have an application that needs to be run on at least 30 nodes (or workers) in parallel. I do not know how to do this. As I know latest version of MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox uses only 12 cores maximum. How can I solve this problem. Can I solve it or not?

Best Answer

Isn't the answer given here: I don't have those toolboxes but it seems like you can extend the computing power by using the Parallel Computing Toolbox in conjunction with MATLAB Distributed Computing Server, so you can run your applications on large scale computing resources such as computer clusters or grid and cloud computing resources. Call the Mathworks sales team to discuss how this might work in your situation.