MATLAB: How to update the license file used by the license manager


How do I update the license file used by the license manager?

Best Answer

These instructions explain how to update the license file used by the network license manager without updating the license manager software itself. If you need to also update your license manager program, please follow the link below: 
Note: This procedure can only be performed by license administrators. In the license center, click the “Contact Administrators” tab when viewing the license to determine who your license administrators are.
To update the license file used by the license manager:
  1. Go to and login to your account
  2. Select the license you want to update
  3. Open the “Install and Activate” tab
  4. Click on Get the license file for the license file you wish to update
  5. Stop the license manager.
  6. Open both license files: the one already used by the license manager and the one you just downloaded. The old license file will contain SERVER and DAEMON lines at the top, but the new one will not.
  7. In the old license file, delete everything except for the SERVER and DAEMON lines at the top of the file.
  8. Copy the contents of the new license file beneath the SERVER and DAEMON lines in the old license file.
  9. Save the updated license file.
  10. If you have an options file , depending on how it is configured you may need to update it. If you do not have an options file, skip this step.
  11. Start the license manager.
You can perform a status inquiry to confirm that the license file has been updated.