MATLAB: How to update default location of project in Polyspace Plugin for Eclipse

bugeclipsefinderidepluginpolyspacePolyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder Server

We try to generate a Polyspace project file and we want to use it by Polyspace Eclipse Plugin. Generally we found out that the Polyspace project file will be created in project default folder when we create a Polyspace config file manually by configuration in the Plugin. The default project location can be changed in the GUI (project folder – Polyspace_Preferences.png) or directly in polyspace.prf file. The problem is when we change the default project location to another path then the Polyspace configuration is still generated to the old path. We detected that there is another path in project properties (Project_Properties.png) which is a fixed path and not changeable in the GUI and therefore it looks like that always this path is used instead of default project location.
How can we modify the path for configuration file location?

Best Answer

The default path can be updated by using the 'Preferences' option under 'Tools, but this change doesn't reflect immediately in the Project Properties. Please restart Eclipse and you will notice that the default location has now been updated to the path specified in Preferences.