MATLAB: How to update and connect the plotted datapoints during a for loop in MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b)


I am using MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) to plot data in a for loop.
figure; title('Plot during execution');
A = rand(1,10);
B = rand(1,10);
N = length(A);
for idx=1:N
plot(A(idx),B(idx), '*-');
With this code the plot does not update in the for loop.

Best Answer

To update the plot during the for loop, you can insert a short pause after the plot command. Alternatively, execute
to force the plot to update in each iteration of the for loop.
To plot linked datapoints, the points must be in a vector which is plotted with a single PLOT command. For example:
figure; title('Plot during execution');
A = rand(1,10);
B = rand(1,10);
N = length(A);
for idx=1:N
plot(A(1:idx),B(1:idx), '*-');
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