MATLAB: How to untilt the graphed data

datagraphimage analysisimage processing

Hello guys.
So I had some respiratory flow rate vs. time. I needed to find to graph volume of ventilation vs. time so I took the running integral of the flow rate data. However, taking this running integral results in volume data that is tilted. I need to untilt the data before analyzing it but I was unsure how to do it. The help would be greatly appreciated. I used cumtrapz to integrate the flow rate data.
Also, I attached an image of the graph as it may help.

Best Answer

It looks as though you are integrating a constant as well as your data. I don’t have your data so I can only suggest possible approaches.
The easiest approach would be to subtract the mean of ‘flow_data’ from ‘flow_data’ before you do the integration.
A more complicated approach would be to use a highpass or bandpass filter on the integrated data to eliminate the descending baseline.