MATLAB: How to turn this into a single matrix

MATLABmatrix structure array matlab variance

Hello. I am trying to find flight times for 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km using different datas. I have a structure array (1×46) data, and I have used the following code.
dis = [1 2 5 10] ; % 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km
for n = 1 : length(data) % 1 : 46
if ~isempty(data.IAS) % There are some empty arrays, IAS is the indicated airspeed field.
data(n).temp_time = dis * 1943.844492 / mean(data(n).IAS); %the constant is for unit conversion
The problem I am having is that when i type data.temp_file in the command window, I am having answer like this.
ans = 1.32 3.42 5.61 8.123
ans = 1.56 3.23 5.76 8.00
ans = ... ... ... ...
When i type data.temp_file, I wanted to show me one single matrix, so that I will have easier time finding the variance for each columns. Anyone can give any advice? Thanks!

Best Answer

with the statements given in the problem I get the information that temp_time is a field of structure "data".. then include the following statement in the same loop and try..
check for temp_time