MATLAB: How to turn on the Model Coverage Report for a subsystem only in Simulink Verification and Validation 1.0.2 (R14SP2)

coveragemodelonlySimulink CheckSimulink Coveragesubsystem

When I use the model coverage commands to generate my model coverage report, I would like the Model Coverage tool to only return results for a subsystem of interest.
The model coverage commands are discussed in the following documentation:

Best Answer

The ability to generate model coverage report for a specific subsystem is available in the Model Coverage Tool within Simulink Verification and Validation 1.0.2 (R14SP2) by specifying the coverage instrumentation path.
This option can be set by performing the following steps:
1. Bring up the Coverage Reporting dialog window by selecting “Tools-> Coverage Settings” menu item in a Simulink window.
2. In the dialog window, go to the Coverage tab, press the “Browse” button to specify your coverage instrumentation path.
This is also discussed in the Simulink Verification and Validation documentation which can be found by typing the following in the MATLAB command line: