MATLAB: How to turn off GUI settings shwon in Command Window

MATLABmatlab gui

Always when i enter something in an "Edit Text" or press a Pushbutton my GUI is showing a lot of settings (see at the end of the question) in the Command Window. I don't know what command makes the GUI display all of these settings. The whole code is about 2500 lines long and so it would be nice to have some idea where to look if an " ; " is missing somewhere.
Thanks a lot for all your ideas 🙂
(This is shown in the Command Window:)
ALim: {}
ALimMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
ActivePositionProperty: {1×2 cell}
AmbientLightColor: {1×0 cell}
Box: {'on' 'off'}
BoxStyle: {'full' 'back'}
BusyAction: {'queue' 'cancel'}
ButtonDownFcn: {}
CLim: {}
CLimMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
CameraPosition: {}
CameraPositionMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
CameraTarget: {}
CameraTargetMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
CameraUpVector: {}
CameraUpVectorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
CameraViewAngle: {}
CameraViewAngleMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
Children: {}
Clipping: {'on' 'off'}
ClippingStyle: {'rectangle' '3dbox'}
Color: {1×0 cell}
ColorOrder: {}
ColorOrderIndex: {}
CreateFcn: {}
DataAspectRatio: {}
DataAspectRatioMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
DeleteFcn: {}
FontAngle: {'normal' 'italic'}
FontName: {}
FontSize: {}
FontSmoothing: {'on' 'off'}
FontUnits: {1×5 cell}
FontWeight: {'normal' 'bold'}
GridAlpha: {}
GridAlphaMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
GridColor: {1×0 cell}
GridColorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
GridLineStyle: {1×5 cell}
HandleVisibility: {'on' 'callback' 'off'}
HitTest: {'on' 'off'}
Interruptible: {'on' 'off'}
LabelFontSizeMultiplier: {}
Layer: {'bottom' 'top'}
LineStyleOrder: {}
LineStyleOrderIndex: {}
LineWidth: {}
MinorGridAlpha: {}
MinorGridAlphaMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
MinorGridColor: {1×0 cell}
MinorGridColorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
MinorGridLineStyle: {1×5 cell}
NextPlot: {1×4 cell}
OuterPosition: {}
Parent: {}
PickableParts: {'visible' 'none' 'all'}
PlotBoxAspectRatio: {}
PlotBoxAspectRatioMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
Position: {}
Projection: {1×2 cell}
Selected: {'on' 'off'}
SelectionHighlight: {'on' 'off'}
SortMethod: {'depth' 'childorder'}
Tag: {}
TickDir: {'in' 'out' 'both'}
TickDirMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
TickLabelInterpreter: {'none' 'tex' 'latex'}
TickLength: {}
Title: {}
TitleFontSizeMultiplier: {}
TitleFontWeight: {'normal' 'bold'}
UIContextMenu: {}
Units: {1×6 cell}
UserData: {}
View: {}
Visible: {'on' 'off'}
XAxis: {}
XAxisLocation: {1×3 cell}
XColor: {1×0 cell}
XColorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
XDir: {'normal' 'reverse'}
XGrid: {'on' 'off'}
XLabel: {}
XLim: {}
XLimMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
XMinorGrid: {'on' 'off'}
XMinorTick: {'on' 'off'}
XScale: {'linear' 'log'}
XTick: {}
XTickLabel: {}
XTickLabelMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
XTickLabelRotation: {}
XTickMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
YAxisLocation: {1×3 cell}
YColor: {1×0 cell}
YColorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
YDir: {'normal' 'reverse'}
YGrid: {'on' 'off'}
YLabel: {}
YLim: {}
YLimMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
YMinorGrid: {'on' 'off'}
YMinorTick: {'on' 'off'}
YScale: {'linear' 'log'}
YTick: {}
YTickLabel: {}
YTickLabelMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
YTickLabelRotation: {}
YTickMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
ZAxis: {}
ZColor: {1×0 cell}
ZColorMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
ZDir: {'normal' 'reverse'}
ZGrid: {'on' 'off'}
ZLabel: {}
ZLim: {}
ZLimMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
ZMinorGrid: {'on' 'off'}
ZMinorTick: {'on' 'off'}
ZScale: {'linear' 'log'}
ZTick: {}
ZTickLabel: {}
ZTickLabelMode: {'auto' 'manual'}
ZTickLabelRotation: {}
ZTickMode: {'auto' 'manual'}

Best Answer

The shown output is created by
See: help set:
A = set(H)
returns or displays the names of the user-settable properties and
their possible values for the object with handle H.
Omit this line, because it has no purpose at all. Most likely you want to do this instead:
But this is not efficient. Changing the current axes is prone to bugs, because when the user clicks on an object during the processing, the current axes changes unexpectedly. Better define the parent property:
axis(handles.axes1, [0 x_max 0 y_max]);
By the way: You can use the debugger to find the line, which causes the output. Simply set some breakpoints in the code and step through the program line by line. Then it is obvious, when the output is created.