MATLAB: How to turn off dbstop if error

close debuggerdbstop if errordebugger

I use the 'dbstop if error' to debug my programs which works perfectly fine for me. But during the writing of some code, it tends to stop in native functions that seemingly try to complete my tiping or give me hints while in the editor (for example functionhintsfunc.m or LinkProp.m) Due to the debugger I am then in the window of said function and have to close it again and stop the debugger. That is very annoying during coding. So how do I get out of the debugger mode without having to close and reopen Matlab? I tried searching for an answer, but all I get is 'dbclear' or 'dbquit' which does not solve my problem. I'm thankful for all suggestions!

Best Answer

At least
dbclear all
disables all debugger break points. But
dbclear if error
clears the "if error" break only. This is explained in doc dbclear . Matlab's documentation is a treasure.
If this is not the wanted behavior, please explain again, what you are looking for. Actually dbstop if error let the debugger only stop, when there is a hard error, which is not covered by a TRY-CATCH-block. Did you type dbstop if all error?