MATLAB: How to turn off automatic signal remapping by the Bus Selector block in Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1)


I have a Simulink model which has a bus selector block. When I open the model in Simulink 5.1(R13SP1), I receive the following warning message:
Remapping selected signal 'cgz_sn_in' to 'vehicle_bus.masscase_bus.cgz_sn_in' in Bus Selector block 'top_sim/top_sim_lib/project_specific_variable_io_lib_model/BusSelector' to match the bus hierarchy. Please save your model to make this change permanent.
I understand that the Bus Selector block is automatically remapping a specified signal to another signal. I want to turn off this feature. How can I do this?

Best Answer

The ability to turn off automatic signal remapping by the Bus Selector block is not available in Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1). There are no workarounds.
You can however, turn off the warning displayed in Simulink 6.4 (R2006a) and later versions using the message ID: