MATLAB: How to turn a 1×32 array into a 1×1 array

data structures

I have an input array of size and type – 188583×1 double. The rows are filled with decimal numbers. I need to convert the decimal numbers to binary numbers which will later on be used for bit-shifting and logical and-ing.
[RW,MemAddr_Decimal] = readvars('quick4k.txt');
MemAddr_Binary = dec2bin(MemAddr_Decimal,32) - '0';
This gives me all 188583 rows but in 32 separate columns. I would like to concatenate the data in those columns to form a 188583×1 array. If there is a better way to go about doing this, please do let me know! Thanks!

Best Answer

Perhpas this? Say v is your 188583x32 matrix:
v = magic(5);
v_final = join(sprintfc('%d',v),'');
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