MATLAB: How to tune the inertia of an asynchronous machine in SimpowerSystems

Simscape Electrical

 I am trying to model a crane using SimPowerSystems.
The issue is that the inertia in the system should change and I cannot replicate this behaviour as i have no way of modifying the inertia during Simulation.

Best Answer

It is true that the parameters inside the asynchronous machine block are not tunable.
As a workaround, you can do the following (see example model power_pwm_TS):
-Provide input speed to the electrical machine.
In that case, the machine would not take any mechanical model into account. The machine only outputs electrical torque at a given rotor speed.
-Compute speed as a function of the torque in Simulink 
You can simply compute the input speed as a function of the electrical torque with Simulink blocks. The parameters of this Simulink algorithm can be tunable.