MATLAB: How to translate excel coding into matlab

average true range

I'm having hard time figuring out how to write an operation for this which I can do in excel.
N2=(19*n1 +TR2)/20,
N3=(19*n2 +TR3)/20,
N4=(19*n3 +TR4)/20
Where TR comes from another column.

Best Answer

You need to read the data into MATLAB with xlsread() or readtable(). Then extract the appropriate column into variables h and TR, and define n1, n2, and n3:
numbers = xlsread(filename);
h = numbers(:, 8); % Or whatever.
TR = numbers(:, 9); % or wherever it is....
n1 = 1; % Whatever it is.

n2 = 2; % Whatever it is.
n3 = 3; % Whatever it is.
N2=(19*n1 +TR(2))/20
N3=(19*n2 +TR(3))/20
N4=(19*n3 +TR(4))/20