MATLAB: How to transform a number to string with space using num2str


What is the result of "num2str(1,'%2d')"? I think it should be " 1", but the results is "1". I mean there is no space before "1". Actually, the result of "num2str(1,'%02d')" is "01", and the result of "num2str(1,'%-2d')" is "1". And, the result of "sprintf('%2d',1)" is " 1".
How can I transform a number to string with space using num2str?

Best Answer

Maybe this way?
num = [1000; 1001];
% numeric part
numpart = arrayfun(@(x) sprintf('%2d', mod(x,100)), num, 'UniformOutput', false);
% letter part
letterpart = char(mod(num,26*100)./100+65);
% concat everything
retsult = strcat(letterpart, numpart)