MATLAB: How to train (manually labeled) x-ray image data using CNN (labeled data in .json format)

cnndeep learningdentalimagejsonmatMATLABtrainx ray

I have manually labeled some x-ray image data using I downloaded the file which contain the labeled information. But, the downloaded file is in .json format. Using these .json files, how can I train data in CNN? Can MATLAB understands .json file like .mat file?

Best Answer

Hi Fahad Parvez Mahdi,
Sorry for my late reply, It is because there are so many web link in your json file. Therefore, you have to decode them one by one.
Please refer to the code below, it will help you decode your json file. There are 50 web links.
fname = 'Dental X-Ray Image Dataset 1.json';
fid = fopen(fname);
raw = fread(fid,inf);
str = char(raw');
k = strfind(str,'con');
for i=1:2:length(k)
val(w) = jsondecode(str(k(i):k(i+1)));
if you have any inquiries, you are always welcome.
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