MATLAB: How to train deep learning network with multi-inputs

Deep Learning Toolboxmulti-inputs cnn

Hi I need to train a CNN with two different type of images, so I used the following code
inputSize = [64 64 64 4];
inputLayer = image3dInputLayer(inputSize,'Normalization','none','Name','input');
inputLayer2 = image3dInputLayer(inputSize,'Normalization','none','Name','input2');
when I used analyzeNetwork(lgraph), I got error that should only one input layer be used. So please is there any way I can use multi inputs in the matlab?
Also, if multi inputes is supported in matlab, how can define the two different inputs in the training process ( trainNetwork(dsTrain,lgraph,options);)
I appreciate your advice!

Best Answer

You can either use the CombinedDatastore or define a custom layer that can take multiple inputs. For defining a custom layer with multiple inputs you can follow the following link
Additionally the transformedDatastore will also serve the purpose.
Hope this helps !