MATLAB: How to toggle showing the propagated signals of a bus in Simulink 7.1 (R2008a)


When I have a bus signal, I can right click on it, and select "Signal Properties", which brings up a popup menu where I can change the "Show propagated signals" property to either 'on', 'off', or 'all'. I would like to do this from the MATLAB command line.

Best Answer

Instead of modifying the properties of the bus signals, you modify the properties of the Bus Creator blocks. Each Bus Creator block has a 'PortHandles' handle which can be retrieved with GET_PARAM. The resulting handle has 'Inport' and 'Outport' handles within it. The Outport handles have a 'ShowPropagatedSignals' property, which can be set to 'on', 'off', or 'all' using SET_PARAM. Note that this cannot be done with the Inport handles.
The attached set_propagation.m file shows how to set the signal propagation to 'on' with the sfbus_demo.mdl demo model.