MATLAB: How to test the QEP port on the TI C2812 board in Target for TI C2000 2.2 (R2007a)

Target Support Package TC2

I am using the Target for TI C2000 on a TI C2812 board. There is no signal detected from the QEP port.
How can I test the QEP port to see if it is faulty or not?

Best Answer

You can use the attached model to test the QEP board. To run the model, please do the following:
1. Make the some hardware connections. If you are using a Spectrum Digital 2812 eZdsp board, the following pins have to be connected:
A. P8-10 connected to P8-6.
B. P8-9 connected to P8-7.
If you are using a custom board, the following must be connected on the 2812 chip:
C. Pin 92 to 106.
D. Pin 93 to 107.
2. Once the connections are made, go ahead and generate code for the model.
3. In Code Composer Studio (CCS), open the QEP_loopback.c file. QEP_counter is declared as a global variable at the top of the file.
4. Right-click on the variable and select "add to watch window". Now you can see the value of the QEP counter in CCS.
5. If you right click on the watch window and select refresh, you can verify that this variable is incrementing, hence showing that the QEP module is working.