MATLAB: How to test for integers and delete integers that do not perform to the test


My assignment: Write a function sumDiv5 which receives one input argument and returns how many elements of the input variable are divisible by 5. You are not allowed to use FOR loops (we will study them next week)
My thinking is to divide the whole input by 5. Then to delete all the non-integer numbers (those not divisible by 5). How do I delete only the non-integer numbers instead of the whole matrix? (which is what my code does)
function output= sumDiv5 (input)
if isreal(A) && rem(A,1)==0

Best Answer

Close. Study this snippet and see what you can learn:
data = randi(100, 1, 30)
divBy5 = rem(data, 5)
By the way, don't use "input" as a variable name because it's the name of a built-in function.