MATLAB: How to tell if a value is an integer

if statement

I have a for loop and this is an example of an iteration within the loop:
if x==floor(x)
where i am trying to see if x is an integer. a=1 is true which should apply to this since x=1925 however when I run the code it does a=0. How can i fix this?

Best Answer

"...which should apply to this since x=1925 ..."
Nope. Its actual value is:
>> x = 725*(77/29);
>> fprintf('%.40f\n',x)
The difference is:
>> 1925-x
ans = -2.27373675443232e-13
Clearly your operations accumulate some floating point error. The answer to your question is: change your algorithm so that you are not checking for exact equality between two binary floating point numbers. For example, check the absolute difference against some suitable tolerance value:
Read more about binary floating point numbers:
This is worth reading as well: