MATLAB: How to take variable number of input strings in a function and return the concatenated output string

basic matlabmatlab stringstrings

I have to write a function that takes variable number of inputs (even no input is allowed) and returns a concatenate string as the output.
Example: x1 = 'my'; x2= ' '; x3= 'holiday'; x4= ' '; x5= 'is'; x6= ' almost over!'; for all 6 input strings output would be= 'my holiday is almost over!';
if no input was passed, output should be empty

Best Answer

function out = myjoin(varargin);
out = sprintf(' %s',varargin{:});
out = out(2:end);
And tested:
>> myjoin()
ans =
>> myjoin('hello','world')
ans = hello world