MATLAB: How to take the fft of a signal after I using the blackman window

blackman window

I have written the following code for putting the blackman window on the data :
window = blackman(length(strain_seg)); %the length of the strain_seg is 256^2
windowed_strain = strain_seg*window;
How do I perform an fft of the windowed strain? Do I need to use the rfft function?

Best Answer

I think you might have issue with dimensions early on.
Have you tried to see what
actually output? I'm guessing the strain_seg has a size of [65536 1] and the blackman has a size of [1 64], which is why you have to add zeroes. I would suggest transposing one of them using the ' operator:
M = length(strain_seg);
w = blackman(M);
xw = C.*w';
X = fft(xw)
With regards to plotting the fft of the windowed strain segment you would need to know the time the segment spans. Lets say the segment you are examining was taken over 10 ms:
Ts = 10e-3; %samples taken in a 10 ms long period of time /[s]
dt = 1/Ts; %/[Hz]
freq = dt:dt:(dt*length(xw)+dt); %Frequencies
xlabel('Frequency /[Hz]')
ylabel('Magnitude of FFT')
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