MATLAB: How to take the derivative of a symbolic matrix


Hello, I'm having a little trouble taking the derivative of a symbolic matrix.
Let's say I have a symbolic matrix 'f':
f =
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[ cos(x)^2 – 1, cos(x)^2 – 1, cos(x)^2 – 1, 1, 1]
[ (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, cos(x)^2 – 1, 1]
How would I go about taking the derivative of each element, where the order of the derivative is the value of the exponent in the function (i.e f(1,1) exponent = 0 (no derivative) f(1,2) exponent = 1 (first deriv.) and f(1,3) exponent = 2 (second deriv.)?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
EDIT* I started out with:
a =
0 0 0 1 2
1 1 1 2 3
2 2 2 3 4
then using:
syms x
f = ((cos(x)^2)-1).^a
f =
[ 1, 1, 1, cos(x)^2 – 1, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2]
[ cos(x)^2 – 1, cos(x)^2 – 1, cos(x)^2 – 1, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^3]
[ (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^2, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^3, (cos(x)^2 – 1)^4]
Trying this equation df = diff(f,(a(i,j))) results in:
The second argument must be a variable or a nonnegative integer specifying the number of differentiations.

Best Answer

temp = arrayfun(@(colidx) diff(f(:,colidx), colidx-1), 1:size(f,2), 'uniform', 0);
result = [temp{:}];