MATLAB: How to take a difference within the data of the same city but not across the city


Suppose I have a dataset
City Date Cumulative_Visitors
NY January 1 100
NY January 2 150
NY January 3 200
SF January 1 70
SF January 2 200
SF January 3 400
I want Matlab to calculate new visitors for each city and date
City Date Cumulative_Visitors New_Visitors
NY January 1 100 100
NY January 2 150 50
NY January 3 200 50
SF January 1 70 70
SF January 2 200 130
SF January 3 400 200
If I just use diff than the problem is that the first day of each city will be missing or screwed up (take a diff between the last day of NY and the first day of SF)
What can one do about this?

Best Answer

Try this
T = readtable('test.xlsx');
New_Visitors = splitapply(@(x) {[x(1); diff(x)]}, T.Cumulative_visitors, findgroups(T.City));
T.New_Visitors = cell2mat(New_Visitors)
>> T
T =
6×4 table
date City Cumulative_visitors New_Visitors
___________ ______ ___________________ ____________
01-Jan-2020 {'NY'} 100 100
02-Jan-2020 {'NY'} 150 50
03-Jan-2020 {'NY'} 200 50
01-Jan-2020 {'SF'} 70 70
02-Jan-2020 {'SF'} 200 130
03-Jan-2020 {'SF'} 400 200