MATLAB: How to suppress the table warning in R2017a


I used to be able to use the following command to suppress the table warnings in R2016b. This no longer seems to work in R2017a:
>> warning('OFF', 'MATLAB:table:ModifiedVarnames')
How can I suppress this warning in R2017a?

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2017a, the table warning suppression ID changed. While it used to be mapped to the ID 'MATLAB:table:ModifiedVarnames', it is now mapped to the ID 'MATLAB:table:ModifiedAndSavedVarnames'. You can find the last warning's ID with the following command:
>> [a, MSGID] = lastwarn()
a =
'Variable names were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers. The original names are saved in the VariableDescriptions property.'
So the following command will suppress the table warning as desired:
>> warning('OFF', 'MATLAB:table:ModifiedAndSavedVarnames')