MATLAB: How to suppress command output

MATLABoutput command console

Matlab version – (R2011a)
Hear me out here, I know that to suppress output you put a semicolon at the end of a line. However even after adding the semicolon at the end of each line of my .m file Matlab is still displaying an output of the actual line itself.
Ex: If my code was:
my output would be:
anybody know what might be causing this?
EDIT: Alright to clarify here if I wanted to display 'x' and I used the disp command not only does 'x' print out to the console but 'disp('x');' prints to the console as well, what I don't want to see is the disp part that prints out, any ideas?
Image of problem:

Best Answer

I bet you have somehow turned "echo" on. Try putting in this line:
echo off;