MATLAB: How to superimpose certain indices of matrices.

feamatrixmatrix manipulationsuperimposed

In FEA, after we have the Global Stiffness Matrix of a Plane Frame Member, we construct and assemble the Plane Frame Structure Stiffness Matrix. To be able to so, one needs to determine a mapping between the rows and columns of the global stiffness matrix of a member and those of the structure stiffness matrix. Suppose I have 3 memeber Global Stiffness Matrices (shown below) and want to assemble the structural global matrix. How to I superimpose them such that the u2, v2, theta2 of the matrices are added when superimposed?

Best Answer

Here's one possible way (there are probably slicker ways!):
K111 = K1(1:3,1:3); K112 = K1(1:3,4:6);
K121 = K1(4:6,1:3); K122 = K1(4:6,4:6);
K211 = K2(1:3,1:3); K212 = K2(1:3,4:6);
K221 = K2(4:6,1:3); K222 = K2(4:6,4:6);
K311 = K3(1:3,1:3); K312 = K3(1:3,4:6);
K321 = K3(4:6,1:3); K322 = K3(4:6,4:6);
Z3 = zeros(3);
KG = [K111 K112 Z3 Z3;
K121 K122 K212 Z3;
Z3 K211 Z3 Z3;
Z3 K221 K222 Z3;
Z3 K311 Z3 K312;
Z3 K321 Z3 K322];