MATLAB: How to sum columns of multiple matrices

matrix additionmultiple matricessum of columns

I have 32 column matrices of different names to be added separately. Is it possible to write a loop to do it instead of writing Sum1 = sum(VarName2)… and so on for 32 matrices?
I have matrices named VarName2, VarName3, …, VarName33. I tried using the following loop;
for i = 1:32
sum(i)= sum(VarName(i));
and it returned the error "Undefined function or variable 'VarName'". So, needed help with this.

Best Answer

for i= 1:32 % splitted command as string: sum(VarNamei)
final_sum=final_sum + evalin('base', ['sum(VarName', num2str(i) ,')']);
the sum of all vectors (if sum is used on a matrix, the result will be a row vector) ...
just tell me if it works, i had no problem using it.