MATLAB: How to Sum Array with “for” loop

additionfor looploopplus

need help, how i can get value of c(t)=b(1)+b(2)+…+b(t) in matlab ? e.g. a=0 for t=1:5 b=a+t end
will result b = [1] b = [1 2] b = [1 2 3] b = [1 2 3 4] b = [1 2 3 4 5]
then i want to make
c(1)=b(1) c(2)=b(1)+b(2) … c(t)=b(1)+b(2)+…+b(t)

Best Answer

Use cumsum, e.g.:
>> B = 1:5;
>> cumsum(B)
ans =
1 3 6 10 15