MATLAB: How to subtract a value from passed variable.


I am working on a program to read the RGB values and I need the array to start at 0 but currently it starts at 1. Here is the code
sourceimage = '/Users/tapotter/Animations/dblogofilled.gif'; %Pull file to load
numframes = numel(imfinfo(sourceimage)); %Pull the number of frames
fid = fopen('FastLEDAnimation.txt', 'a+'); %Open files to use.
framedelay = imfinfo(sourceimage); % Once only outside the loop
fdelay = framedelay.DelayTime; % Get the frame delay
oldFrame = Inf; % Arbitrary unique value
A = 1;
for iframe = 1:numframes %Go through each frame of the gif
[img, map] = imread(sourceimage, iframe);
rgbimg = im2uint8(ind2rgb(img, map));
crgb = reshape(permute(rgbimg, [3, 1, 2]), 3, []);
Frame = [1:size(crgb, 2); double(crgb)];
changed = any(Frame ~= oldFrame, 1);
oldFrame = Frame;
fprintf(fid, 'leds[(minus(%d, A)].setRGB(%d, %d, %d);\n', Frame(:, changed));
fprintf(fid, '\nFastLED.delay(%d);\;\n', fdelay);
Here is the line of code I am trying to use to minus the value given from the function,
fprintf(fid, 'leds[(minus(%d, A)].setRGB(%d, %d, %d);\n', Frame(:, changed));
I have tried changing the 'leds[%d}.setRGB(%d, %d, %d);\n' to use the minus, I tried just doing leds[%d – 1}.setRGB(%d, %d, %d);\n' but all it does is either add those words or the -1. How would I minus the value passed? I need it to start at 0 instead of the current "1" it is starting with.

Best Answer

Frame = [0:size(crgb,2)-1; double(crgb)];