MATLAB: How to subset the matrix/array with shape file

arrayMapping Toolboxmatrix

I have matrix of 890*751 and array 890*751*5 and I want to clip/crop/subset this matrix and array with shape file. The shape file is consist on several sub-polygon inside. Each inside sub-polygon of shape file has to clip/crop/subset separately and save with unique name. E.g, we have a shape file with 4 sub-polygon (with name (a,b,c,d) and we have to get 4 clip/crop/subset(a,b,c,d) of the matrix/array with. we can read the shape file by
area = shaperead('shapefile', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow( area , 'Facecolor', 'blue')
but no idea how to crop/clip/subset the matrix/array. The sample testmatrix, testarray and shapefile are attached here for easy to understand the question. Thank you in advance for any helpe/guide

Best Answer

Check this link for a similar question. You can follow the same code.
shapefile = 'shapefile.shp' ;
S = shaperead(shapefile) ;
N = length(S) ;
for i = 1:N
hold on
lon = load('testlon.mat') ; lon = lon.testlon ;
lat = load('testlat.mat') ; lat = lat.testlat ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(lon,lat) ;
data = load('testarray.mat') ; data = data.testarray ;
[nx,ny,d] = size(data) ;
%%Extract data
iwant = cell(d,N) ;
for i =1:d
A = data(:,:,i) ;
for j = 1:N
idx = inpolygon(X(:),Y(:),S(i).X,S(i).Y) ;
iwant{i,j} = A(idx) ;