MATLAB: How to store values from an array to another array using Loops

arrayfor looplooploopsMATLABmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulationwhile loop

So the problem I have an Array A which contains around 200 elements, I get the elements of array A after doing calculations in a loop, that is for each iteration in the loop the array A gets stored with fresh 200 values. So I would like to store the 200 values in array A that I get in one iteration onto another array, say array B so that I do not lose the values after each iteration. That if I run the loop for around 10 times, I need my array B to have the 10 sets of 200 values from array A.
Any help would be appreciated

Best Answer

Most efficient option is to create a matrix and store each output in a column
B = zeros(200, 10)
for i = 1:10
% calculate A

B(:, i) = A;
Another flexible alternative is to create a cell array.
B = cell(1,10);
for i = 1:10
% calculate A
B{i} = A;