MATLAB: How to store the results from each iteration of a FOR loop

faq 4.6for loop

How can you specify the introduction of a new variable for every iteration of a for loop. For instance, is
phi = [a,b,c,d]
for i = 1:3
y = [sin(phi(i)),cos(phi(i));sin(phi(i)),cos(phi(i))]
I would like the for loop to specify the new variable for each iteration of the for loop, such that
L = [sin(phi(1)),cos(phi(1));sin(phi(1)),cos(phi(1))]
M =[sin(phi(2)),cos(phi(2));sin(phi(2)),cos(phi(2))]
N =[sin(phi(3)),cos(phi(3));sin(phi(3)),cos(phi(3))]

Best Answer

On the other side you could create a [2 x 2 x i] array, i.e. each slice (along the third dimension) is a 2 by 2 matrix evaluated at the i-th value of phi:
% Create phi as a 3d vector (depth vector)
phi(1,1,:) = 1:2;
% Create y
y = [sin(phi),cos(phi);sin(phi),cos(phi)]
y(:,:,1) =
0.8415 0.5403
0.8415 0.5403
y(:,:,2) =
0.9093 -0.4161
0.9093 -0.4161
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