MATLAB: How to store the result of each iteration of a forloop into MATLAB

duplicate post requiring mergingfor loopiterationMATLABsimulink

How to store the result of each iteration of a forloop into MATLAB.
This program calculating Transfer functions.
But, when i am using this "v".
I am getting last element only.
Can you please help me, How to store every iteration result in MATLAB.
This is the program. Thank you.
K=[-0.098 -0.036 -0.014 -0.017;
-0.043 -0.092 -0.011 -0.012;
-0.012 -0.016 -0.102 -0.033;
-0.013 -0.015 -0.029 -0.108] ;
L=[17 27 32 30;
25 16 33 34;
31 34 16 26;
32 31 25 18];
T=[122 149 158 155;
147 130 156 157;
153 151 118 146;
156 159 144 128];
one=[1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 1;
1 1 1 1];
for i=1:4
for j=1:4
v=tf([K(i*j)],[T(i*j) one(i*j)], [L(i*j)]);

Best Answer

for i=1:4
for j=1:4
v{i,j}=tf([K(i*j)],[T(i*j) one(i*j)], [L(i*j)]);
%to get the transfer function for i=3 and j=2 for example