MATLAB: How to store specific data from structure (substructure)

loopstoring datastructuresubstructure

I have large dataset in structure arrays. Hundred of subctructures (1×100), it looks like
data = 1x100 struct array with fields:
timestamp (not interesting)
stimIndex (not interesting)
stim (not interesting)
signal (column of samples - important)
I would like to store just with signal (data(1,1).signal, data(1,2).signal….data(1,100).signal). I donĀ“t know how to make the loop, which will store just the signal data and do it hundreds of times. 100 dataset – 100 file. I hope it is quite clear.
Many thanks for tips

Best Answer

That is already stored but if you want it to store in another non struct variable, you need not use a loop. follow this:
Signal = {data.signal} % will result in cell array