MATLAB: How to store multiple array. or multidirection array.

MATLABmatrix array

p = [15 30 45 60 75 90 75 60 45 30 15 30 45 60 75 90 75 60 45 30];
N1 = 10;
randidx = randi(numel(p), [1 20 N1]);
p = p(randidx);
for k= 1:20
for i = 1:10
a(k)= cosd (p(:,k,i));
b(k)= sind (p(:,k,i));
L(:,:,k) = [a(k)*b(k) 0 (a(k))^2;
0 0 b(k);
0 0 0;];
I want every i = 1:10 value but i unable to get. How can i store values for p(:,:,1) for 20 L(:,:,k) and p(:,:,2) for 20 L(:,:,k)…..and so on…please help me.

Best Answer

Why is p a 3d array if the first dimension is only 1?
You can't store a matrix as an element of another matrix. matrix elements are always scalar. You can store a matrix as an element of a cell array:
L{:, :, k} = [a(k)*b(k) 0 a(k)^2;
0 0 b(k);
0 0 0;]
Whether or not that is what you should do I have no idea since you didn't provide any context. Possibly you intended for p to be 2d and L to be a 3d matrix with the elements of that a*b matrix stored as scalars in the 3rd dimension of L.