MATLAB: How to store matrix solutions from a loop into another matrix

for loopmatrix

How do I populate the T matrix with Tr matrices for each n=1:6, so that I can access the elements with T(3:3;3:3,2)?
for n= 1:6
Tr = [c(n) -s(n)*ca(n) s(n)*sa(n) a(n)*c(n);...
s(n) c(n)*ca(n) -c(n)*sa(n) a(n)*s(n);...
0 sa(n) ca(n) d(n);...
0 0 0 1 ] ;

Best Answer

T has to be size of Tr in each plane; not sure where you got the 6,1 from...
for n=1:6
T(:,:,n)=[c(n) -s(n)*ca(n) s(n)*sa(n) a(n)*c(n);...
s(n) c(n)*ca(n) -c(n)*sa(n) a(n)*s(n);...
0 sa(n) ca(n) d(n); ...
0 0 0 1 ];