MATLAB: How to store matrix data (Imaginary) from a loop

for loopmatrixmatrix array

Hello, In my project I have a loop and each iteration gives me a matrix with imaginary values:
for fi = 0:10000:1100000
A1 =
1.0e+02 *
-0.0934 + 0.0245i -9.0639 + 3.2366i
-0.0010 + 0.0002i -0.0934 + 0.0245i
I need to store all this matrixes with relation to fi value. I am going to use few similar loops and multiply output matrixes (for the same value of fi).
I try to use
but have below error:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Can I please any ideas and tips? 🙂

Best Answer

fivals = 0:10000:1100000;
numfi = length(fivals);
A1 = cell(numfi, 2);
for fiidx = 1 : numfi
fi = fivals(fiidx);
A1{fiidx, 1} = fi;
A1{fiidx, 2} = [a11,a12;a21,a22]};
Now A1 will be an N x 2 cell array in which the first column is the fi values and the second column is the A1 arrays that resulted.