MATLAB: How to store indexed values from a for loop

convexhulldelaunaytriangulationfor loopindexingMATLABstoring values

C is a cell array with coordinate locations in "new_pts" that create polygons. I would like to collect each v for all j in an array. how might I do that?
for j=1:length(C)
frodo = C{j};
aragorn_x = new_pts(frodo,1);
aragorn_y = new_pts(frodo,2);
DT = delaunayTriangulation(aragorn_x,aragorn_y);
[K,v] = convexHull(DT);

Best Answer

Like with C, you can store them in a cell array
v = cell(size(C))
for j=1:numel(C)
[K, v{j}] = convexHull(DT);
btw, I prefer numel over length ...