MATLAB: How to stop this loop

breakfor loopstopwhile loop

I have a simple question, and I really appreciate it if you could please help me. I have a for loop, and I'd like to stop it when my calculated value exceeds a certain number, but my attempts haven't been successful. This is my code:
for i=1:100
[ f_YC,fp_YC] = FD_YC( ycI,mu,C );
my = 1./((-xI+(1-mu).*(xI+mu)./((xI+mu).^2+ycI).^(3/2) +mu.*(xI-1+mu)./((xI-1+mu).^2+ycI.^2).^(3/2))./( ycI -ycI.*(1-mu)./((xI+mu).^2+ycI.^2).^(3/2)- ycI.*mu./((xI-1+mu).^2+ycI.^2).^(3/2)));
X = my .* ycI + XN;
if xI > .82;

Best Answer

That should stop it, if XN ever exceeds 0.82. Apparently it doesn't though. This is the way to find out why: Perhaps since you don't pass I into any of the arrays or functions in the first two lines, the values never change. Not sure since we don't have those arrays or functions to check them.