MATLAB: How to stop on a variable getting a specific value

breakpointconditional breakpointdebugMATLAB

I have a variable that can change its value in multiple locations within a long function.
For debugging purposes I want to stop-in-debug once this variable gets a specific value.
I could go throughout the code and set a conditional breakpoint in each line it can happen, but I wonder, if there is a way to set a "global" conditional breakpoint?

Best Answer

dbstop in file at if expression
is best you can do I don't have to manually insert the breakpoint at every line but would have to get the line numbers and put into a little script to run...a little grep utility could possibly be invoked to build/retrieve the lines in the m-file with an assignment to the subject variable name???
I've long thought the debugger should have a watch facility besides...
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