MATLAB: How to stop a loop at any time during the loop using ui


I have a while loop that takes a while to run each iteration, about 60 seconds, and I want to be able to stop the loop at any time witout using CTRL+C.
at the moment I'm using:
ButtonHandle = uicontrol('Style', 'PushButton', ...
'String', 'Stop loop', ...
'Callback', 'delete(gcbf)');
while (ishandle(ButtonHandle))
(run certain processes)
While clicking the stop loop button, the loop still doesn't break.
Any idea on how can I use the stop loop button to break the loop?

Best Answer

A possible solution can be done like this:
function gui
fig = figure;
ButtonHandle = uicontrol('Style', 'PushButton', ...
'String', 'Stop loop', ...
StopLoop = 0;
while true
fprintf('a \n')
if StopLoop
function StopLoopCallback(ob,e)
StopLoop = 1;
Important is that you constantly ask if the StopLoop was checked, and not only at the end of the while loop, since the function will only be able to stop when the condition is asked. If you have a single function call that takes, for example, 20 s you will not be able to stop it until is over without using ctrl+c option (you could also do it programmatically also but the whole execution will stop in the same way) .