MATLAB: How to start packing a signal into a data frame at any arbitrary sample in Simulink 7.3 (R2009a)


I am using a Buffer block in Simulink 7.3 (R2009a) to pack my signal into frames of 1024 samples. However, I really wish to start packing the signal into 1024-point packets after a certain samples have passed. For example, I want the frame to start packing the signals from sample 521 and onwards (samples 521 through 1544, 1545 through 2568, and so on).

Best Answer

To pack a signal into a data frame starting from an arbitrary sample, place the Buffer block inside an enabled subsystem. Connect an "N-Sample Enable" block to the enable control input port of the subsystem, and define the "Trigger count" parameter to whatever amount of samples you wish to wait before starting to pack the signal into frames. See attached Resolution document "Example.mdl" for an example.