MATLAB: How to start operations in parrallel once the data has become avaliable

MATLABparallel computing

Hi all,
I am wandering if it is possible to start operations in parrallel once the data becomes avaliable. What we have to do is read a file which is locked on read so can't be read in parrallel, then the data from this is then used in calulations and write operations that are indepenedent of one another. The data in the file is in many blocks and we treat each block independently.
So my question is whether it is possible to have the read operation happen constantantly and then when the data has been read for a new block of the data we can start the data proccessing in parrallel. This would be easy if it was possible to create threads however as far as I am aware matlab does not support threading.
Any help would be appreciated. Many Thanks.

Best Answer

Try parfeval in conjunction with DataQueue.
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