MATLAB: How to stack 10 shots from seismic source to produce a resultant signature with greater signal/noise ratio

signal processingstacking

This bolt gun signal (attached) shoots a seismic source every ten seconds. You can see the signature dramatically changes as the ship passes over the geophones. How do I stack the shots fired in this interval to produce a new signal with a greater signal to noise ratio?

Best Answer

What result do you want? You already seem to have removed the 0.1 Hz bolt gun signal, since it does not appear in your Fourier transformed signal (at least that I can see).
I would just use a filter (highpass, lowpass, bandpass or bandstop) to pass your frequencies-of-interest, eliminating everything else. The signals from the ship appear to have a frequency range of about 0.8 to 1.2 Hz, so filtering those in or out — depending on what you want — would likely be easiest.