MATLAB: How to split a string by whitespace

hi,how to split a string to array splitted by whitespace,also how to convert a date to string ( matlab R2008a)

Best Answer

s = 'hi,how to split a string to array splitted by whitespace,also how to convert a date to string ( matlab R2008a)'
theWords = allwords(s)
theWords =
Columns 1 through 14
'hi' 'how' 'to' 'split' 'a' 'string' 'to' 'array' 'splitted' 'by' 'whitespace' 'also' 'how' 'to'
Columns 15 through 22
'convert' 'a' 'date' 'to' 'string' '(' 'matlab' 'R2008a)'
You can specify delimiters other than spaces if you wish.
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